Surgical Smoke – Communication Guide for Nurses

Now online


To the background on a lack of comprehensive understanding of Surgical and hazardous Smoke and air where health professionals work, it’s in the ESNO interest to bring this to the attention of specialist nurses. The impact of unknown about the issues and neglect of using guidelines or available instruments and equipment is of great concern.
This issue is not a stand-alone but as a sub chapter in the umbrella theme of Safety at work, together with Aggression, Sharp needles, Working hours,

Misson – Vision

To provide adequate, relevant and tailored information on the impact of Surgical Smoke on health professionals with preventable measures. This guide is based on the EORNA postion paper on Surgical Smoke ‘PREVENTION AND PROTECTION OF SURGICAL PLUME 2018’


The object is that with a Specialist Nurse information and Communication Guide on Surgical and Hazardous smoke, there is a greater awareness on the topic. But also to provide beside information and education materials, also advice and guidance how to communicate on this. The activities are three folded:
1. Create Information Nurses Guide on Surgical and hazardous Smoke
2. Have this published in an attractive layout with digital options for navigation
3. Windowing in social media, with reminders of the date of launch.
4. Launch during ESNO congress 25-26 February 2021.
These activities are the basis for next steps such as translation digital activation with webinar and e-learning.


  • Specialist Nurses in Europe, especially those working surgical procedures take place
  • Healthcare professionals in general, such as operation assistant
  • Patient Organsiations
  • Health institutes and hospitals
  • Health regulators responsible for health professionals safety environment
  • Policy decision makers related to quality of care and working conditions


Launch online 15th June

List of confimed organisations



Please contact us with any questions or feedback:

Ber Oomen, Director FoNSE

This project is sponsored by: Johnson and Johnson and Stryker