The ESNO information and communication guide on Microbes explains all about nurses to know about microbes, medication, infection control and vaccination. This needs a regular update especially in today’s times. The update will then be published per chapter or theme, with references, hyperlinks including the person who contributed.
Due to delay of process caused by current COVID19 issues, UPDATES are published below, to include in Module in later stage, see below.

Longterm approach
The State of the Art: Nurses are rarely, or, in most cases, not even involved in the spectrum of infection prevention and vaccination activities. They are excluded from education and professional competence building or waved off with: “you don’t belong here”. Despite all this, the fact that it’s within the scope of practice and core competencies of the nursing profession, during the CODIV19 too much was done in the area of ‘domain protection’. The ESNO calls for a ‘health professional domain “climate change” regarding tackling infections and future pandemics so that a motivated, sustainable, and competent nurses’ workforce can be relied upon.
What we will do: The ESNO Focus Group Microbial issues, has set out a range of activities to support nurses in gaining education for the years to come. This includes surveys and data collection activities and provides guidance for health institutes in bring out the best possible quality of care, aimed at reducing infections with a focus on prevention. These goals are focused on
- ‘Education and competence building’,
- Knowledge, awareness, and behaviour go hand in hand. This as a prerequisite for health education and literacy through lifetime career span.
- Creating a sustainable ‘European professional network’
- Only with a sustainable network and embedded in a solid organisation, education and training can be secured and create a sense of belonging.
- Providing an expert opinion regarding the ‘social and climate implication’ of reducing infections.
- We see a strong relation between urbanisation, lack of education and health living, economic status with negative impact on environment and infection rates.
About this Module
After reading you will understand the important role of vaccines in viral infections. You will know more about the different types of vaccines, their role in infection prevention, and their storage and handling. One of the arguments often used in vaccine hesitancy is the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. This module will help you to respond, as it covers the monitoring mechanisms for vaccine, safety, and also discusses ways to improve people’s confidence in vaccines. It closes with your role in education, advice and administration, including the importance of leading by example.

Hard copies in A5 – in a nice soft cover size are available and to order. Please contact our office for the booklets.
Q&A on safety development COVID19 Vaccine
- Are the evaluation requirements for this COVID19 different than the regular evaluation?
- There is a concern that the Vaccine is going to change the DNA, can you explain
- As we see, the just developed vaccines have not a track record yet of monitored side effects. How will this handled?
See answers under this link provided by EMA
European Immunisation 2021 Week activities
26 April – awareness on publication Preliminary result of Survey
27 April – Publication on Survey
28 April – Rais awareness on publication ESNO guide on vaccination
29 April – Launch of ESNO nurses Guide on vaccination
30 April – wrapping up this week on ESNO activities on vaccination.
Editorial in ‘Vaccine Today’
26 April – Editorial in ‘Vaccines Together’ – The Excellence in Pediatrics Institute (EIPI)

14 October – Participation in #EUFluDay

Timeline and schedules
During European Immunisation week 26 April – 2 May
– Launch Report Survey 26 April
– Launch second version, special edition vaccine guide 26 April
12 May, International Nursing Day
During special Online ESNO event 14.00 – 16.00 hours with special invites
– Windowing the Guide,
– Report Vaccination
– Position Statement.
About the Survey on Nurses and Vaccination
“During this unprecedented year in relation to the Corona-virus pandemic, our attention has focused on viral and other infectious diseases, and especially on vaccination. On top of this, there is also concern about nurses’ personal uptake of the influenza vaccination ‘with opinions being expressed without having heard the nurse’s voice‘ . ESNO is a strong advocate and promoter of nursing knowledge and competencies related to infectious disease transmission and vaccination but we are also interested if this contributes to your personal decision on vaccination uptake. In this survey we wish to learn about your personal motivation related to influenza vaccination and when available, the Corona-virus vaccination, and how this relates to your professional activity and training needs”.
Outcome with 38 countries, from Europe and far beyond.
This report on the outcome of the Survey will be handled by: PANAXEA

“It’s not only a
it’s about professioonal competency, knowledge,
leadersship, engagement and participation.
Link to relevant organisations and programs
European Vaccination Information Portal (EVIP)
Joined Action on Vaccination (EU-JAV)
European Public Health Alliance EPHA
Vaccine Europe
International Federation of Pharmaceutical and Manifacturers and Associations (IFPMA)
Link to publication
Patent Organisation – EPF
VAC-PACT program
International Federation of Pharmaceutical and Manifacturers and Associations (IFPMA)
Seasonal influenza self-vaccination behaviours and attitudes among nurses in Southeastern France 2019
ESNO Newsletter – 2021 14 October EU Flu Day
Addressing vaccine supply challenges in Europe: Expert industry perspective and recommendations
Ber Oomen – Director FoNSE – Project lead
Judith Perez Gomez – Régional Médical Excellence Lead
Suzanne Elvidge – Editor Peakwords
Luigi Apuzzo – Expert
Bert Vrijhoef – Panaxea
ZN Consulting – Design and Campainging