Nursing isn’t just about entering nursing school, getting a degree, starting a job in a hospital, receiving a salary, and doing your duty until retirement. People who have been critically ill and cared for by a nurse understand that there is no such thing as ‘just a nurse’. They have seen the value and professionalism of the specialist nurses who have been responsible for their care. Leaders need to ask the nurses in their teams what pushes them to achieve higher goals, what makes them feel rewarded in their work, and
what support they need to invest in their careers. Over the years, we have taken nursing for granted as a profession, we haven’t promoted and explained enough. We haven’t tackled the misconceptions about nursing, and we haven’t emphasised enough that it can be a challenging profession.
Since 2020, ESNO has had the ambition to make a real change, by creating an ambitious campaign with a long-term plan, as an outcome of a series of three congresses on the subject of ‘The specialist in European healthcare towards 2030’, with three main goals:
- Showcasing of the specialist nurses across the full spectrum in healthcare all the way through
to 2030. - Present the nurses’ contribution of expertise within a broad range of health topics from clinical
care to high-level policy. - Promoting specialist nurses and contributing to retention and recruitment
Adriano Friganovic ESNO president
