This section contains publications related to ongoing projects under FoNSE. When they are completed, they will eventually end up on the Publications of the ESNO website. Here you can find publications with the approval of the authors or with links. Nurses who would like to be involved in projects can register with FoNSE.
Principles of Specialty Nursing – under Springer-Verlag
Principles of Specialty Nursing, Under the auspices of the European Specialist Nurses Organisations (ESNO) see under this link
In process:
- Nurses and Anesthetists under IFNA
- Lead Nico Decock
- Nurses and Dialysis and Renal transplant under EDTNA/ERCA
- Lead Maria-Teresa Parisotto
- Nurses and Gasteroenterology and Endoscopy under ESGENA
- Lead Ulrike Beilenhoff
- Nurses Information and Communication in Biosimilars ESNO
- Lead Ber Oomen

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Levels of Burnout syndrome in Croatian Critical Care Nurses: Adriano Friganov and Polona Seli >>READ
A cross sectional multi center qualitative study exploring attitudes and burn out knowledge in intensive care (2021): Adriano Friganovic, Biljana Kurtovic and Polona Selic >>READ
Impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on nurses’ working conditions and burnout in Belgium – Main results and recommendations: A.Bruyneel and Pierre Smith >>Read
Prevalence of burnout risk and factors associated with burnout risk among ICU nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak in French speaking Belgium >>Read
More on Burnout at:
Banner / Flyer – Progression of the Specialist Nurse 1954 – 2030
Covid19 and Nurse Leadership
Nurse Leadership, What place does nurse-led research have in theCOVID-19 pandemic? E. Castro‐Sánchez et al. Onlinelibrary Wiley
Nurse Leadership, “The Need for Visible Nursing Leadership During COVID‐19” Elisabeth Rosser et al.
Nurse Rebel LEadership: A scoping review of rebel nurse leadership: Descriptions, competences and stimulating/hindering factors. Eline de Kok MSc, RN Anne Marie Weggelaar‐Jansen PhD Lisette Schoonhoven PhD, RN Pieterbas Lalleman PhD, RN
Nurse shortage
“250-plus types of specialisations in nursing”
From a ‘generic nursesshortage’ problem to ‘specialist nurse opportunities
Insights of today’s Specialist Nurses footprint in the European health provision and future
English: Download here
Polish: Dowload here
Italian: Download here
Effects of nurse-to-patient ratio legislation on nurse staffing and patient mortality, readmissions, and length of stay: a prospective study in a panel of hospitals : Prof Matthew D McHugh, PhD, Prof Linda H Aiken, PhD et al : 11 May 2021