For a good and sustainable information provision related to Specialist Nursing for setting policy, it is necessary to work on data collection. This is possible by collecting existing research, but it is not possible without regularly producing publications based on your own research. This can be done through higher standardized studies, but also exploratory inventories. In this block they will be published regularly with outcomes and recommendations.
There are no open Survey at the moment
- Canabinoid Medication
- Medication Errors: nurses personal impact and implication

Nurses Roles, knowledge and engagement in Vaccination
Launch 25 April 2022 during WHO/Europe Immunisation week WorldImmunizationWeek, #LongLifeForAll open until 25 May
“Follow up on vaccination survey 2020: ESNO Survey to Nurses in Europe on Vaccination Uptake’ about knowledge, competencies and policy”
‘Nursing and Vaccination: uptake, roles, education, and responsibilities.
If you are working as a nurse in Europe, we would like to invite you to participate in the ESNO Survey to Nurses in Europe on Vaccination Uptake (2022).
This is a follow-up study to the ‘ESNO Survey to Nurses in Europe on Vaccination Uptake’ conducted in November 2020. The ESNO 2020 survey has already produced important findings, but much has happened in the past two years during the COVID pandemic.
The aim of the survey is to gain insights into the roles, positions, knowledge, and education of nurses in Europe regarding vaccination. The data from 2020 and 2022 will be compared and submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journal(s). This approach will enable us to share our expertise and knowledge to the right platforms and provide solid evidence to inform policymaking about the role of nurses in vaccination in Europe.
The current survey (2022) is an extension of the previous survey (2020) about vaccination uptake, including new items on nurses’ roles, engagement, and responsibilities regarding vaccination. The survey focuses on vaccines in general and, more specifically, on influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations. Our ambition is to conduct the survey every two years.
The participation of as many respondents as possible is essential to ensure that the knowledge, beliefs, and responsibilities of nurses is accurately presented. To reach such goal, the survey is available in eight languages: English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Croatian, Greece and Italian.

Q4 – 2021 Q1 2022
We like to invite you take this Survey, initiated for a study FoNSE Focus Group operating at the ESNO. The aim is to finding out the level of knowledge of nurses in the field of Biosimilar Medication. This is an important topic that should be raised in order to influence the education of nurses in this topic in the future.
Time schedule: The survey will be available from 22-11-2021 until 15-01-2022
– Sabina Krupa –
– Wioletta Mędrzycka-Dąbrowska –
The Polish Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Nurses
Thank you for your contribution
Sabina and Wioletta.
ESNO survey on Vaccination: flue and corona
3Q – 2020
During this unprecedented year in relation to the Corona-virus pandemic, our attention has focused on viral and other infectious diseases, and especially on vaccination. On top of this, there is also concern about nurses’ personal uptake of the influenza vaccination ‘with opinions being expressed without having heard the nurse’s voice‘ .
ESNO is a strong advocate and promoter of nursing knowledge and competencies related to infectious disease transmission and vaccination but we are also interested if this contributes to your personal decision on vaccination uptake.
In this survey we wish to learn about your personal motivation related to influenza vaccination and when available, the Corona-virus vaccination, and how this relates to your professional activity and training needs.
The Survey will be open until 20 December 2020
Special request to ESNO to share in network
Q2 – 2021
“COVID-19 STAFF WELLBEING SURVEY – ONE YEAR FOLLOW-UP” We would like to invite you to participate in the COVID-19 STAFF WELLBEING SURVEY – ONE YEAR FOLLOW-UP. This is a survey to determine the current wellbeing for hospital staff and to determine other factors of concern to staff working in a hospital environment. This is a repeat survey from April 2020 which was specifically focussed on critical care professionals and reported under this link here
Ethics approval has been received from Children’s Health Queensland, Human Research Ethics Committee, Australia (HREC/20/QCHQ/64343). All data entered in the survey platform will be non-identifiable. The survey is not expected to take more than 10 minutes to complete. We are targeting responses from ALL staff working in a hospital environment. We are also asking the critical care staff that completed the survey last year, to please complete the survey again (but we welcome responses from everyone!).
–> The survey is closed
Thank you for your time, Naomi and Liz, and for questions , please contact Dr Naomi Hammond or Liz Crowe